echo lanciert das subtil festival Alternative Rock, Electronica, Desert Trance Blues, Festival, Psychedelic, Post Punk, Techo, House, daydance, noise, experimentelMarco Schneider29. Januar 2019Kulturfabrik Wetzikon#lightart #live music #djs #de formance #producing workshops for kids #experimental #avantgarde #realart #contemporary #faszination #quality #downbeat #avantgarde #joy #ambient #electronic #nosie #storytelling #visualmusic #motionraphics #pulltogether #express yourself #respect #onelove #local food #kids&family #awareness
WHISPERING SONS AUS BELGIEN KOMMEN IN DIE KULTI WETZIKON! Post Punk, Shoegaze, PsychedelicMarco Schneider21. November 2018Kulturfabrik WetzikonWhispering Sons, Joy Divison, Chinawoman,, echowehandlemusic, live music
BOB SPRING AND THE CALLING SIRENS // DARK COUNTRIES // OUT NOW! Rock, Blues, PsychedelicMarco Schneider21. November 2018Bob Spring & The Calling Sirens,, Echo, Album Release, New AlbumKommentieren